May 24, 2023

Of all the countless reasons to ditch smoking, one notable reason is that traditional cigarettes are getting more expensive by the day. And that’s especially if you are in the UK
How Much Does Vaping Cost UK?
How much does vaping cost UK? Of all the countless reasons to ditch smoking, one notable reason is that traditional cigarettes are getting more expensive by the day. And that’s especially if you are in the UK which happens to be one of the most expensive countries in Europe for smokers. If you are not ready to make the switch for the health of your body, perhaps the health of your wallet might convince you to. Chances are you have heard claims of vaping being cheaper than smoking, but perhaps you are a bit sceptical about the whole narrative. After all, vaping involves a lot of paraphernalia and e-juice refills every couple of days. Surely, that’s bound to be more costly than cigarettes? In this post, we look at the costs of smoking vs. vaping in the UK, laying bare the actual figures involved.
How much does Smoking Cost?
Obviously, the much you shell out for cigarettes will depend on the number and brand of cigarettes. For this article, though, we will use the averages. The average cost of a pack of cigarettes before Philip Hammond’s 2018 speech was £9.91. But smokers will now have to fork out 33p more, pushing the cost of a pack past the £10 mark (£10.24). For smokers who do a pack a day, the maths is pretty straightforward (we’ve rounded off to £10.20):
£10.20 x 365 days a year = £3,723
That’s a tidy sum we are talking about when you consider it goes to cigarettes alone. However, there are other added costs associated with smoking. If you smoke in the car, air freshener is an essential to avoid drenching your car seats in smoke. You will need gum to kill the odour on your breathe, and let’s not even throw in added auxiliary expenses like dental hygiene, increased cleaning costs of clothing, home and car, as well as health-related costs.
How much does Vaping Cost UK?
Unlike smoking, it is true that vaping has many bits and pieces to contend with. These can be broken down as follows:
- The e-cig itself
- Tanks
- E-juice (PG or VG)
- Coils
- Batteries
- The E-Cigarette
- Tanks
- E-Juice
- Coils
- Batteries
An electronic cigarette has to be powered. Batteries don’t require replacing frequently, so let’s throw in a decent battery for around £10.
So, How much does Vaping Cost UK in Total?
Starter Kit – £24.99 Tanks – £40 E-juice – £208 on the higher side without deals or £58 on the lower side with deals (£57.98) Coils – £45 Batteries - £10 Total cost all year = £327.99 (or £177.99 if you purchase your e-juice in a clearance). Whichever the case, the total cost of vaping for the entire year on average pales in comparison to the cost of smoking which is £3,723 a year! So, whenever the issue of smoking vs. vaping comes up again, you now have an idea of the costs and savings involved. Spread the word.