Nicotine Pouch Safety: Are Nicotine Pouches Safe?

Oct 4, 2024

Nicotine Pouch Safety: Are Nicotine Pouches Safe?

Are nicotine pouches safe? That’s the question we’ll be answering in this post, outlining the drawbacks (and benefits) of this form of nicotine delivery.

It needs no telling that nicotine usage in the UK and around the globe remains prevalent. According to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published in 2022, there are approximately 13.3 million adult smokers in the UK. [1] That means individuals aged 18 years and above, spread out across the constituent countries of the United Kingdom.

That was by far the lowest figure logged since records began in 1974. Not a small number by any means, and it needs no emphasising that these are figures from smoking alone.

There are other many active nicotine users who use alternative methods, including snus and tobacco chew, vaping, nicotine pouches and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products.

Looking at vaping numbers, for example, there are 5.6 million active vapers in Great Britain as of early 2024. That’s according to a survey commissioned by Action on Smoking & Health (ASH) that also established what we knew all along: there is a direct correlation between a reduction in smoking rates and a rise in the number of active vapers. [2]

This comes as no surprise really. With more and more people quitting smoking in favour of a healthier lifestyle, the popularity of alternative nicotine products has grown exponentially over the last few years.

Nicotine pouches – a relatively new product in the market – in particular seem to be the latest buzz. And with an ever increasing number of consumers gravitating towards pouches, one popular question we come across often as nicotine pouch vendors is, ‘Are nicotine pouches safe’?

Before we answer that, let’s have a quick overview of what nicotine pouches entail.

What are nicotine pouches?

A nicotine pouch is a small bag of nicotine that administers nicotine orally to users. It resembles a teabag, albeit smaller in size as to allow for comfortable placement between the gum and upper or lower lip. This is where it should be lodged, from where the pouch then gradually releases nicotine to the bloodstream until the user has had their fill.

Nicotine pouches resemble tobacco snus and are used virtually the same way. Unlike traditional snus, however, nicotine pouches do not contain any tobacco.

That’s the main distinguishing feature, and it is one of the main factors behind the growing popularity of nicotine pouches. That’s because tobacco, as an ingredient, is largely to blame for the negative health effects associated with tobacco-containing products. That includes everything from combustible cigarettes, to cigars, pipe tobacco, snus, snuff, tobacco chew and more.

Tobacco is even worse when it is subjected to combustion a la cigarettes, with research showing that tobacco smokes contains thousands of chemicals; 70 of which are known carcinogens. [3]

It is this ingredient that nicotine pouches avoid in their composition and in doing so, potentially keep users away from the harmful effects associated with tobacco.

But does that really guarantee nicotine pouch safety?

Are nicotine pouches safe?

Since they are a relatively new product, there is not enough evidence available on the long-term effects of nicotine pouches to categorically consider it harmful to human health.

The basis upon which the safety of nicotine pouches is evaluated is largely through the ingredients contained in these pouches, as well as other key considerations.

Therefore, the best way to answer the question regarding nicotine pouches safety is perhaps to go with the facts. Three key things stand out with regard to this:

No tobacco present in nicotine pouches

As we’ve already highlighted, nicotine pouches do not contain any tobacco from tobacco leaf or other additives. This is what distinguishes pouches from traditional smokeless tobacco products.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) tobacco is one of the most prominent threats to public health globally. Continued use can have short-term effects on the heart and respiratory system, not to mention yellow teeth and bad breath.

But it is its long-term effects that are more worrying, with tobacco linked to fatal illnesses like cancer and heart disease. [4]

Due to the absence of tobacco in nicotine pouches, users can potentially avoid the risks emanating from tobacco. The absence of tobacco also means there is no risk of developing other diseases and ailments attributed to tobacco.

Nicotine pouches do not involve any combustion

Nicotine pouches are not just tobacco-free: they are also a smokeless form of nicotine delivery.

Most of the dangers associated with tobacco actually arise as a result of burning tobacco, which is why unsurprisingly, smoking is regarded as the single biggest cause of avoidable death and disease. [5]

Nicotine pouches absolve users of the need to inhale dangerous toxins since there is no combustion involved, essentially making them a whole lot safer compared to tobacco products.

Thus, it’s understandable to see the regulation surrounding nicotine pouches in many countries is a bit relaxed than actual tobacco products are subjected to.

No second-hand effects

While the primary user benefits in a big way from the absence of tobacco and smoke in nicotine pouches, pouches also eliminate the risk of second-hand smoke on other people.

This makes nicotine pouches a less intrusive option to those around you, which explains why they are becoming a popular form of nicotine consumption in smoking-restricted settings. They make for a healthier environment for everyone.

Potential risks of nicotine pouches

Nicotine pouches are widely considered a safer alternative to smoking and using other tobacco products for the reasons we have outlined above.

However, that doesn’t mean they do not pose a risk to users. There are a few potential health risks and concerns you need to be aware of.

Nicotine addiction

Nicotine is the star ingredient in nicotine pouches. Its biggest drawback is its addictive nature. It is the nicotine factor that keeps people hooked to cigarettes and other tobacco products. In fact, were it not for it, quitting smoking would not be such a big deal.

It is no different when it comes to nicotine pouches.

Sure, pouches are used by many as a smoking cessation tool due to the reduced harm they pose. However, that doesn’t make them any less addictive.

Health risks

But of more importance in trying to answer the question, ‘Are nicotine pouches safe?’, is to ask what impact nicotine has on human health.

The risk of addiction notwithstanding, some of the effects of nicotine in the body include increased blood pressure and heart rate. In the long-term, this can lead to a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Overall, though, nicotine in itself is not a big problem from a health perspective, according to research. But its use can cause adverse effects in some users, including among others:

  • Nausea
  • Hiccups
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach upsets and palpitations

Beyond these, the other danger posed by nicotine is on small children and pets; and perhaps when consumed in higher dosages – which is probably more possible with nicotine pouches than smoking.

Oral health issues

Oral health issues are another concern when it comes to evaluating the safety of nicotine pouches.

It is true that due to the absence of tobacco, nicotine pouches are less likely to cause gum disease and oral cancers – both of which are risks associated especially with chewing tobacco.

However, nicotine pouches may still cause irritation of the gums. More than that, prolonged use may also lead to other oral issues like sensitivity and gum recession.


So, are nicotine pouches safe?

On the whole, they can be considered a safer nicotine delivery method than cigarettes and any product containing tobacco.

And while they haven’t been around for long enough to properly establish their health effects, there is no major concern with nicotine pouches going with what is available at the moment.

It is not a coincidence that the level of legal oversight on nicotine pouches is not as strict as regulations governing cigarettes and tobacco products in many countries. That’s particularly so in the UK where anti-tobacco laws are some of the toughest in the world; never mind England where the government is optimistic of banning smoking by the year 2030.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are nicotine pouches bad for you?

Nicotine pouches do not pose a major risk to users. They do have their side effects due to the presence of nicotine, which can include headaches, stomach upsets and nausea. However, most users of other nicotine products are less likely to encounter any problem using nicotine pouches.

Regardless, it is worth noting that using pouches can get you addicted to nicotine, which – while inherently considered safe – can be a difficult habit to drop.

Are nicotine pouches safer than cigarettes?

Yes, by far. Cigarettes contain tobacco and are considered the biggest cause of preventable illness and death.

Nicotine pouches do not contain any tobacco, but there is also no smoke involved. This makes them a win for both users and those around them.

Do nicotine pouches affect lung health?

Nicotine pouches pose a big risk in terms of addiction and dependence, along with a few other potential health effects such as oral health issues. However, they are not known to negatively impact lung health. That is down to the fact that there is no inhaling (or tobacco) when it comes to nicotine pouches.


Are nicotine pouches safer than vaping?

Nicotine pouches and vaping are generally considered safer alternatives to smoking or using tobacco products. Comparing the two, vaping has been around for longer and there are no known serious health effects provided you source your vape supplies from a reputable vendor. However, it is worth adding that research into vaping safety is still divided.

When it comes to comparing nicotine pouches and vapes, we would say the decision on which is better is a matter of personal preference. That’s because nicotine pouches have also not had any serious health risks linked to them. Therefore, it comes down to whether as a user, you desire a product that involves inhaling or and vapour production, or one that is purely oral.


What are the nicotine pouches' side effects?

The side effects of using nicotine pouches are largely down to the nicotine content in this product, although other ingredients present may play a role. Some common side effects include hiccups, sore mouth, gum irritation, upset stomach and dizziness.

Established nicotine users are less likely to experience side effects when using nicotine pouches compared to non-nicotine users.








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